Adventure Explorations
Adventure Explorations Commercial
Role: Lead Editor
About This Project
Creating exciting and enticing ads for YouTube and beyond.
  • After Effects
  • Media Encoder

Official Credit to: DAY Vision Marketing

Project Overview

Catchy & Fresh

While on DAY Vision’s design team, I was on the team producing two YouTube ads for Adventure Explorations. The first ad was promoting their Fall 4 Adventure campaign, centered around getting urbanites into the wild. The second ad, For Women By Women, was focused on adventures led by female-only teams hosting all-female parties to empower and strengthen young women interested in nature.

Adventure Explorations Rock Climbing Google YouTube ad Still frame
Adventure Explorations Rock Climbing Google YouTube ad Still frame


Lead Editor

For both ads, I held the role of lead editor. After the team and I fleshed out the rough storyboard for what the ads needed to do, I was tasked with making the magic happen. Using Adobe After Effects, and lots and lots of raw footage I was able to create 2 amazing ads for the client who loved them. The Fall4 Adventure ad went on to be the most successful video on their channel with over 30 thousand views!


The Final Product

The Day Vision Team and I were very proud of how both ads came out and we’re proud of how successful they’ve gone on to become.