Kutztown University Discord Community
Role: Founder, Designer, Developer, President
About This Project
The Kutztown University Discord Community, founded in 2019 is a privately run organization dedicated to helping students and alumni come together and connect with the campus community. It’s hosted on a service called Discord, similar to Slack but geared towards young adults and teenagers. Through the hard work of the KUDC staff, myself as president, and all our amazing members, we now boast 600+ members in our server!
  • Discord
  • WordPress
  • Adobe Illustrator

Project Overview

Gold.e, Our Sarcastic AI Secretary

I built a customized bot to act as a secretary and mascot for KUDC. She helps verify users, answer questions, crack jokes, supply maps of the campus, and act as the face of KUDC. The community loves her witty responses and sudden interjections into conversations. She’s quirky and perfect.

Adventure Explorations Rock Climbing Google YouTube ad Still frame
Adventure Explorations Rock Climbing Google YouTube ad Still frame

A Place For Everyone

Creating Community

Keeping the community involved and helping our members come out of their shells is what we do. Through weekly ritual game nights, and our Halloween party, we help members who would normally find themselves isolated, happily laughing with the group.

Helping The Community

Getting Through COVID Together

KUDC was launched in late 2019 before the word coronavirus was a common term, but when KU was sent home indefinitely after spring break 2020, we knew we had a duty to help our fellow students feel like they still had a community to rely on. Before January 2020 KUDC boasted a humble 50 members, but since the chaos of the pandemic, we experienced numbers as mighty as 600+ students and alumni. The KUDC staff and I have received lots of compliments and feedback from our community about how much we helped stabilize a fracturing and anxious campus community through our efforts at KUDC.

Adventure Explorations Rock Climbing Google YouTube ad Still frame

Custom Emojis

Unique Expression

We want to employ our members to express themselves in fun and unique ways, with that, I myself have created a large swath of custom KU and KUDC-themed emojis for our members to use in our server. Happy, sad, angry, laughing uncontrollably, or just plain smug, we have it all.